The Euro is the local currency on St. Barth. When you dine out, you will be presented the check in Euros. Many restaurants will also show what the amount would be in U.S. dollars. Almost every restaurant takes credit cards. If you pay by credit card, you will get the true rate of exchange. VISA is the most widely accepted. AMEX is the least. Check with your credit card company to see if they charge a foreign transaction fee; several cards, such as Capital One, do not. It is always good to have cash, too. If you want to buy Euros, all banks can do the exchange. ATM machines can be found at the various banks on the island. You will receive a limited amount of Euros on each withdrawal. You can also go to Change Caraïbes in Gustavia to exchange money. Just ask our on-island office for directions.
Although there is no ATM for American Express (AMEX) cards on St. Barth, AMEX has provided a service for their members. Upon presenting their AMEX Card at an AMEX office, conveniently located across the street from the airport, members in an emergency can cash checks for Euros or USDs; receive replacement of stolen, lost, damaged, mutilated or voided AMEX Travelers checks; exchange to smaller denominations of AMEX travelers’ checks if available; and provide “Gift Check” and “Check for Two” AMEX Travelers’ checks available upon request. (Authorization will be requested from American Express for all services.)
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